Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Surest Sign of Spring

Signs of Spring
Although Friday surprised us with a fresh foot of snow, it was nonetheless a glorious weekend. The plows made their rounds, the sun shone in a clear blue sky, the temperatures rose, and the scarves were distinctly loosened. Navigating through the still snow-covered streets, I could feel something new and fresh in the air - unmistakable signs of Spring.

Signs of Spring
There was the wet snow, softening under the sun's warm rays.

Signs of Spring
There were the delicate buds, with their promise of new leaves in the weeks to come.

Signs of Spring
There were the fences in need of mending, having unburdened themselves of heavy snow banks.

Signs of Spring
There was a fresher, younger quality of the afternoon sun's glow.

Signs of Spring
There were the pothole lakes cheerfully reflecting cerulean skies.

Signs of Spring
There were the colourful chairs on the lawns of local college campuses.

Signs of Spring
There were the freshly liberated bike lanes.

New Science Center Bike Racks at Harvard
And perhaps the most noticeable change of all, were the dozens upon dozens of bikes. They emerged out of hibernation en masse, heralding the official start of Spring. 

Mercier Mixte
Some of the bikes I had seen in the neighbourhood before, but not since November. 

Mercier Mixte
Oh hello again, slate blue Mercier mixte. You look positively radiant!

Raleigh 3-Speed, Cambridge MA
Long time no see, copper Raleigh Lady Sports. Warming those old bones?

Signs of Spring
New handlebar tape this season, Bianchi Nuovo Racing?

Signs of Spring
Oh, but what's this here? You are new this year, aren't you, oh teal Dutch Gazelle with full chaincase?

Babboe Cargo Bike, Cambridge MA
And you, Babboe cargo trike? I haven't seen you around before. Have you moved to this neighbourhood over the winter? Welcome, welcome. 

Babboe Cargo Bike, Cambridge MA
A local university recently installed bicycle racks along the entire length of their rather expansive Science Center. After sitting largely empty since their installation, on Saturday the racks were suddenly 3/4th full - snow storm of the previous day notwithstanding. 

Soccer Ball Bicycle Bell
It was not a coordinated effort, but it surely felt like one. The neighbourhood bikes have had their say. And they've declared it the official start of Spring.

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