Thursday, October 11, 2012

Nuturing Happiness


1. Be vibrant and colourful. 
 – Express yourself. Inject energetic colors into the atmosphere at work and at home. If not in dress, then in words and deeds. The world has enough grey! Be the antidote! 

2. Give out compliments.
 – Give sincere praise every chance you get. Compliment and cheer for those who deserve it. You’ll be hitting two birds with one stone, because when the person you compliment smiles, you’ll smile too. 

3. Call an old friend and reminisce. 
 – There are few things more satisfying than recounting some of the greatest moments of your life with your closest friends who lived these moments alongside you. 

4. Be silly.
  – Sometimes we take ourselves entirely too seriously. Let go. Be spontaneous and outrageous. Sometimes you just need a good laugh to lift your spirits. 

5. Slow down.
  – When you’re living your life at top speed, you’re missing most of it. 
 Stop and take a breath.

6. Be present.
  – Life is happening right now. Instead of dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future, just practice being and living in the ‘now.’

7. Disconnect from the world for a little while.
 – Shut off your electronics, phone, computer and television. So many of us use technology to distract ourselves and keep our minds busy when we would be far better served by just sitting still and learning to relax. 
It’s not healthy to be plugged in and accessible 24/7. 

8. Take a deep breathing break every hour. 
– Take a deep breath, and another, and another.
 It’s like a mini-break to reset yourself during the day. 

9. Move your body.
 – Run, jump, climb a tree, take a dancing class, power walk – anything that feels good that gets your blood moving. The only limitation: it has to be fun.

10. Stretch.
  – Take a few minutes for a good muscle stretch. It gets the blood moving, fires up your brain and it gives you a few moments to unwind and get grounded before you start the next task.

Melissah xox

{Source : BellaMumma, image : Stepanie Rausser}

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