Friday, March 30, 2012

How We Ride

Motobecane Mixte, Walden Pond
To the delight of some and eye-rolling of others, during the first year or two of this blog I referred to riding a bike recreationally as "sporty cycling." What a funny term. Why not just call it roadcycling? Well, because it's not! Roadcycling evokes associations that I felt were not appropriate to the kind of riding I did at the time - or in fact to the kind of riding most people who just want to ride a bike for exercise are drawn to. Roadcycling is its own world, with what I consider to be pretty rigid parameters. There are assumptions about equipment, positioning on the bike, speed, and even style, that are pretty much unspoken pre-requisites no matter how friendly and open the people are. Whether described as "social rides" or "training rides," it is still a fairly specific type of riding that assumes performance-optimised equipment, advanced handling skills, and the ability to maintain what most would consider a high minimum speed. And there is nothing wrong with any of this. Except that not everyone wants, or needs to ride like that. To ultimately be on a bike with dropbars, keeping up with the local roadies, need not be an end goal. Some might truly enjoy riding an upright bike at their own pace, without feeling the need to "advance to the next level." The very idea of advancing - of cycling in order to get faster, stronger - is part of the roadcycling discourse and& need not influence those outside of it.

In May 2009, just a couple of months after I touched a bike for the first time in 13 years, I rode my first 50 miles. I was living in Vienna at the time and riding around on an upright hybrid rental, up and down a short stretch of the Danube bicycle path outside of town after work. Then one Saturday, I just kept going and before I knew it I did 85km - which I hadn't even realised until I looked at the map of the area I covered later; I just knew it felt like "a lot." How fast did I go? No idea. What was my nutritional plan? None. What did I wear? A cotton tunic, leggings and sneakers. Did I look like a complete dork, puffing away on my inefficient hybrid with suspension fork, saddle too low and handlebars too high, my loose sweat-stained top billowing in the wind? To a roadcyclist, maybe. But to a regular person? I just looked like a person doing a long bike ride.

His and Hers Motobecane, Southern Maine
I do not know why, over the years, I have grown attracted to roadcycling and do in fact now want to get faster, stronger, to "advance." I enjoy it and do not regret the transition. But at the same time, I maintain that it is absolutely not necessary to ride a bike in this manner. Last October I was back in Vienna and did a 100 mile ride along the same route I rode in 2009. Again, on an upright bike in regular clothing, with no training in the weeks leading up to it and no nutritional plan. I thought that maybe that kind of ride would be boring for me at this stage, but it wasn't at all. It was just different. A different frame of mind, a different style of riding. I went slowly and didn't worry. It was not about performance or timing. I was just a person, going kind of far on a bike.

Now and again I get emails from readers who are genuinely upset because they can't seem to transition from an upright step-through or mixte to a roadbike with drop bars. The local cycling clubs only cater to the latter. Their spouse rides a roadbike. They feel left out. But the more I think about it, the more I realise it just doesn't make sense to give up the sort of bike you are perfectly happy with because of some misguided notion that you "should" be riding a roadbike if you're serious about cycling. I do wish there were more bicycle clubs that catered to casual cycling, where people on hybrids and upright 3-speeds and mixtes could feel at home and within their comfort zone. I also think there is a difference between casual cycling and casual cyclists. You can be a serious, committed cyclist and ride casually. This distinction is not often acknowledged.

Roadcycling is not the only valid form of recreational or sporty cycling. There are so many ways to ride a bike, and there is no right or wrong way as far as I am concerned. How we ride depends on us alone.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Reading Bill Strickland's Ten Points

A little while back, someone suggested that I read Bill Strickland's Ten Points, and before I knew it I was interacting with Bill Strickland himself and he sent me a copy. When the book arrived, the cover alone induced a pre-emptive sense of nostalgia. A cyclist walking his bike into the fading sun, beneath the overhanging trees, as if savouring the sweet devastation of defeat. Of course this would be on the cover of Bill Strickland's memoir.

Bill Strickland is the editor of Bicycling Magazine. He lives in Pennsylvania. He races for Kapelmuur Independent. And he writes, a lot. Articles for various cycling and sometimes non-cycling magazines, a few books, blog posts. The first time I read something by him was maybe in Rouleur a year ago, and then I began following him online. I remember it initially surprised me that a person who wrote like Bill Strickland was the editor of Bicycling. Those guys are all about nutrition and training and race coverage and roadbike reviews. Strickland's writing is evocative and sensual and self-consciously sentimental. And that's just on his instagram account.

Ten Points is an unconventional memoir. It's inextricably tied to bicycle racing, but is not really about it. Bicycling is more of a metaphor, an explanation, a case study in magical thinking. At the start of the book, the author tells his little daughter that he will score 10 points during a single racing season, then proceeds to participate in criterium races and fail spectacularly week after week.

But this plot line merely serves as a trajectory for the real story - a story of surviving childhood abuse, emerging damaged, then wondering for the rest of your life whether you're human or a piece of garbage. In adulthood, the author considers himself cursed, a monster. He struggles to stay in control, but the past haunts him and he worries about being a fit parent and husband. He believes that cycling keeps the monster in him at bay. And winning 10 points for his daughter might just have the power to lift the curse entirely.

Reading the memoir and trying to process it as such, I must admit that I found the 10 points theme to be overbearing and at times distracting. The writing is good. Bill Strickland excels at creating a visceral sense of understanding between himself and the reader. Repeatedly I found myself lost in his past, in his life, in his very sensations. In contrast to this, the overarching storyline of the 10 points feels forced, packaged. Like maybe the author had written the book differently, and then some editor swooped in and tried to make it more marketable for those who like the "top 10 ways to tackle hills" types of articles. I don't know how else to explain it.

Could the story have been told without the 10 points theme being so overt? I honestly think that it could. The book is really a rich collection of snippets, flashbacks to various incidents in the writer's life, and there are other ways in which these could have been tied together. The narrative style is jewel-like, seductive, while somehow also managing to come across as sparse and reserved. It is part American Gothic, part John Updike, but replete with its own, uniquely Stricklandian, characteristics.

In a way Ten Points reads more like a novel than a memoir, and some characters feel more believable than others. The incidents from the past, despite how dramatic some of them are, read as believable, as do the parts about racing. But in the present-day dialogue with the wife and daughter, the things they say are sometimes too well-phrased, too conveniently meaningful. In those instances I could practically feel the author trying to wrangle them into the 10 points plot.

At his best, Bill Strickland is the sort of natural storyteller who can engage an audience with a description of an Idaho cornfield. He can stir the reader into alternating states of wistfulness and fear within a single paragraph. He is a master of subtle foreshadowing. I want more of all that, less meta-narrative.

Writing about this book, I find myself wishing I hadn't interacted with the author prior. Because now I am hyper-aware of him as a real person and nervous about how he will feel reading this. But maybe that's arrogant. After all, who the heck am I and what does it matter what I think. I am describing the book as a reader, not as a critic. And I continue to follow Bill Strickland's writing with interest.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Two Fixed Gear Projects and the RockHopper FS

Hello and Welcome,
First a sincere Thank You to everyone who reads and supports this blog. We are well on our way to another "monthly hits" record for March. The weather has cooled off a bit and we had a frost warning last night. But it is back up around 50 degrees F today. I am waiting for all kinds of stuff to show-up for these three bikes I am working on right now. So I have been tinkering around the shop killing time.
Above: After this pic was taken I removed the adhesive residue left behind from removing the sticker graphics using "Goo Gone". I did put a saddle on it and took the bike for a test ride. It is working fine but felt "kind of light". I think I am going to set a rider weight limit on this bike at 150 lbs. It felt like the bike was straining to carry my 195 lb. frame. That might just be my imagination though.
Above: My very first attempt at making a badge by hammering out a copper penny. I actually engraved the H into the copper. But then I screwed it up using too wide of a brush to fill it in with glossy black.I guess it is ok for my very first attempt.
Above: This badge I am hammering out of an aluminum token. The kind you find at a theme park souvenir shops.
Above: I hammered it around this old piece of gas pipe to get the shape. This token is about the size of a US Silver-Dollar coin. A much better size for a head badge I think.
Above: Afterwards I polished it up using the fine brass wheel-brush on the 18 volt low speed rechargeable drill. I think I`ll try to cut out the letter or design on this one. There has to be something in the Dremel kit that I can use for this. That is as far as I got on this badge. I will post an update when I get it finished on a future post.
Above: The frame all cleaned up after using the Goo Gone, all I need now is my parts. Currently I am waiting for the grips, the micro adjust post and the saddle to arrive. And I still need to fix that ding in the top-tube.
Above: I have decided to replace the "soft" (and leaky) suspension fork and the tires on the Specialized Rock Hopper FS. When it`s finished I will test ride it. And if I like it, I might keep it for myself and sell the Giant. You know, the Giant I said I would never sell. It will all depend on how the Rock Hopper feels with the new smoother tires. I think I ordered the K West street tires for it.(it was late) I might have ordered the Kenda Kross tires, but I don`t think so. I`ll keep the off road tires for it as well. The only "threaded" 1&1/8 fork I could find with all the right dimensions (travel and hub width) was a generic one. I hope I don`t regret that. I`m sure it will be fine for street use.
Above: Here is the fork for the "Cycle Pro" fixed gear (Touring Style) bike that will have a flip-flop hub and fenders (maybe hammered) and racks. And I`m considering a vintage bell and generator lights. The head-set bearings were in fine shape and cleaned up easily.
Above: The wheel set for the Cycle Pro arrived! I don`t have the tubes yet, I just popped the tires on to see how they look. When it is finished I might remove the colorful stickers on the rims. We`ll see how it looks first. I had the tires in stock. Left over from the Centurion Accordo RS build a while back.
They were to tall for the Centurion, I`m glad I finally have a use for them.
I have a 1/8 Single Crank on order as well as a "cartridge type" JIS bottom bracket unit they tell me will fit. I was careful to order the recommended bracket length 110 mm (and type) for the single crank. This old style bottom bracket to cartridge type conversion will be another first for me. I think I might already have the correct bracket tool. I spent a little more on this crank and I am hoping it will be straighter than the last one. I don`t think you should have to spend a lot of money just to get a straight crank. We will see how that goes I guess.
Above: I think the set of fenders above might just fit this bike. I was thinking about chrome hammered fenders. But the black fenders might look good with the black fork. That would save me a some more cash. I also have a cool mini front rack that needs a little welding. And I think I know just the guy who can do that for me. That would leave me more money for a Genuine Pletscher rear rack and a vintage stem mounted bell and a generator light set. I`ll have to mount those SKS fenders and see how they look.
Above: The Ross about to go home with it`s new owner. It was great to see how much this young man loved this bike. Also the GT and the Gary Fisher found new homes this week. As did the MotoBecane Nomade! Yes it was a good week around my little shop! Also the Free Spirit lugged frame fixie might be sold as well. The GT is coming back for a new front derailleur. I test rode the crap out of it and shifted the front several times with no problems. But so it goes. I will gladly fix it for free. It just bothers me a little because I was so sure the problem had been fixed. I have enough spare parts on hand that I could replace the crank-set, shifter and front derailleur if I have to. I`ll do whatever it takes to get it right I guess.
Above: Now that the weather is warmer I have a plan for finishing the "Parliament/Custom Built/Made in England". First I am going to paint the fork white from the bottom of the crown down. The fork crown itself will remain green. The top? tube will get white piping to match the lower tube. (they both look like down tubes to me) And that should finish it. I have no idea what to ask for it. I can`t find another one just like it anywhere to compare it to. I only found that someone had been asking about the same make on Bike forums a few years ago. And he got no real info there. I have matched the original fenders as close as possible. And mounted a new Brooks saddle on it. The rack is a genuine Pletscher not a Pletscher style rack. The stem mounted bell is vintage off an old KTM touring bike, not a reproduction. I had the rear hub and free-wheel serviced by the only mechanic I could find that still had the free-wheel tool for the old English Free wheel.(He`s pretty much retired now) At three hundred dollars I might break even. But that is not good enough not for this bike. I am hoping to get four hundred dollars, which means I`ll have to ask at least 450.00 . I guess we will have to see how it plays out.
Well, I think we are all caught up for now. Hopefully my parts will start arriving tomorrow and I can get these three bikes wrapped up. Until next time,Please RIDE SAFE and Remember to Always... RESCUE, RESTORE & RECYCLE
Cheers, Hugh

Cycling and Self-Portraiture

I have long been interested in the connection between cycling and amateur self-portraiture. Anyone familiar with the world of bicyclists' image galleries is also familiar with the ubiquitous "panda shots," storefront reflections, snapshots of one's bike shadow. Taken quickly with tiny low-quality cameras, these provide spontaneous glimpses into how we move through the world, what we encounter along the way, and how we relate to our bicycles while doing so. Over the years it has become a distinct genre.

But why do it? Looking in from the outside, it is easy to interpret it as a contemporary obsession with documentation, a marking of territory, or in the case of "panda shots" (pictures of yourself taken while cycling) as a showing off of skill. And of course to some extent it is all that. But what makes it bike-specific? I have never encountered another group outside of the art world that is as prone to self-portraiture as cyclists. Joking around with bikeyface, we tried to start a trend for "walk pandas," but somehow pedestrian self-portraiture does not hold the same appeal. 

Last year I wrote about bicycle blogs and exhibitionism - describing a culture among the blogs of beginner female cyclists where women communicate and encourage each other by showing pictures of themselves doing everyday bike-related activities. Outside of the intended audience (for example, when observed by experienced male cyclists), this is sometimes misinterpreted as exhibitionism. But for the intended audience it is in fact a "teaching by doing" sort of tool that can be more effective than any advocacy. 

Still the trend for self-portraiture among cyclists is not limited to this alone. It is more widespread than that and encompasses a more diverse demographic. From racers to retrogrouches to randonneurs to pedaling fashionistas, cyclists just seem compelled to snap pictures of themselves on or next to their bikes.

It is possible that moving around by bicycle, particularly when we are new to it in adulthood, heightens our sense of self-awareness and it is this that inspires the self-portraiture. In a sense, the cyclist keeps a visual diary. And a true diary, be it written or visual, is more than just about what happens in one's environment; typically the diarist also focuses on themselves. 

How well this works as an explanation, I don't know. But as a psychologist and a painter I am fascinated by the tradition of self-portraiture I've seen emerge as more and more cyclists share their images with the world. If you take pictures of yourself on or with your bike, why do you do it?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Navigating the World of Clipless Pedals

Last summer I wrote about trying to ride clipless and failing. Unfortunately, not much has changed since then. For background, I do ride my roadbike with foot retention: I use Power Grips, adjusted as snugly as possible. They bind my feet to the pedals effectively while still being extremely easy to get out of. Sure, they don't exactly look "pro," but they get the job done and anyone who thinks otherwise has probably never tried them. Still, it bothers me that I just can't master riding clipless after all this time, while others have no trouble with this skill at all. This year I was determined to get to the bottom of what makes it so hard for me. 

My first step was to start from scratch. Last year, the Co-Habitant gave me his old clipless pedals (Shimano M520) and I used those by default. I got as far as being able to ride around the block gingerly, but ultimately just wasn't comfortable with it. Later more than a couple of women told me that they hate these pedals and cannot use them either, and that what I should really do is go to a bike shop and try as many different pedals as possible. I didn't know you could do that, but apparently some bike shops offer this service. Since I spend a lot of time at the Ride Studio Cafe as it is, I arranged with them for a fitting. They have a trainer in the back room where you can set up either your own bike or one of their demo bikes, and they have a variety of clipless shoes and pedals to try.

To ride clipless, you have to buy a set of pedals, which are sold with cleats, and a pair of compatible shoes. The cleats that are purchased with the pedals are then attached to the shoes. There are many brands of these pedal/cleat systems, and they are generally classified into road (SPD-SL) vs mountain (SPD) - a little misleading, since in practice both are frequently used by roadcyclists. The mountain bike system (left) features small cleats with 2 attachment points. Notice also that on the shoe, the part where the cleat goes is recessed, so that when off the bike you walk on the sole and not on the cleat itself. The road system (right) features larger cleats with 3 (or 4) attachment points. And the shoe is not recessed, so that when off the bike you actually walk on the cleat (this is why roadies make those click-clacking noises on pavement). As it is explained to me, the benefit of the road system is that more of your foot is attached to the pedal. The benefit of the mountain system is that it is easier to walk off the bike. 

Popular road-compatible systems include Look, Shimano, Time and Speedplay, all shown here. The former 3 are near-identical, but the Speedplays (the smaller pedal on top) are a little different in shape and attachment style (also they are double-sided, whereas the other road pedals are one-sided). I did not bother trying these, because nearly everyone I know who uses them seems to have problems. But I tried the Shimano and Look SPD-SL, and I liked them both. The clipping mechanism felt very different than that of the (SPD) Shimano M520s I was practicing with last year. For me at least, it felt much easier to clip and unclip with the road pedals; the mechanism did not feel clunky or death-grippy. With the SPD cleats last year, even on the weakest setting I felt as if I were stomping on the pedal with all my might to clip in and jerking the bike sideways in order to unclip. With the road system, the mechanism on the pedal felt as if it grabbed the cleat without much effort on my part, and I could also unclip fairly easily. On the downside, I found the road shoes slippery to walk in, which made me nervous. A number of people I ride with discouraged me from going with the road system for this very reason.

Having already tried the typical Shimano SPDs and determined that I did not like them as much as the SPD-SL, the one system left to try was Crank Brothers. This is technically a mountain bike system, and the cleat looks very similar to SPD cleats. However, the pedals are 4-sided and use a different mechanism. I had hope for these pedals, because those who use them report that they are very easy to clip in and out of compared to the other mountain systems. I tried them, and I agree. The mechanism engages and releases very easily, and I know that I will be able to practice with these without the "what if I can't unclip?!" anxiety. The model pictured here is the Egg Beaters, but I ordered the Candys - which are the same, except with a platform. I wanted the platform version, because I do not like the feel of tiny pedals and want more support for my foot. I think the platform will also make it easier for my foot to locate the binding mechanism, before that part becomes intuitive.

It is yet to be determined whether I'll be able to master clipless, but I have a feeling that if I can do it at all then I'll be able to do it with these Crank Brothers. My biggest problem so far has been fear over the effort of unclipping, which should no longer be an issue with these. I will keep you posted on future progress or lack thereof. But for any beginners reading this, I encourage you to visit a bike shop that specialises in this stuff and talk to them, try different pedal/cleat combinations and see how they feel - as opposed to struggling with a system just because a spouse or a friend uses it. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

In Print

I wanted to share that this Spring I have two pieces of writing coming out in print publications. An article on my impressions of a classic randonneuring bike will appear in the Spring 2012 issue of Bicycle Quarterly. And a reworked version of a post from last December, "Emotional Landscapes," has been included in Taking the Lane, Volume 6: Lines on the Map. If you are interested in reading these pieces and the excellent works alongside which they appear, both issues are now available to order.

Since the start of this blog I've been reluctant to commit my bicycle-related writing to print. I did not feel the writing here was good enough, and I also didn't think the style really flowed outside of the blog format. But working on the Bicycle Quarterly article and interacting with Jan Heine made me aware that I've accumulated material - stories, thoughts, ideas - that do not fit the blog format and would work better in print.

Posts like Emotional Landscapes and this earlier one about Vienna are examples of writing that really should have been longer and more nuanced, adapted for the blog only because I had no other outlet for it. Publishing a slightly altered version of the former in Taking the Lane allowed me to test the waters as to whether I felt comfortable turning non-committal blog snippets into real pieces of writing.

I think that one of my readers, who comments here as "Spindizzy" (aka Jon Gehman the rackmaker) is a genius writer who owes it to the world to write a book about life and bicycles. His comments alone are literature as far as I am concerned. I've also been inspired by the writing of Tim Krabbé, Grant Petersen and Bill Strickland (in a way I see the latter two as flip sides of the same coin), and reading their stuff has made me realise that distinguishing "bicycle writing" from "literature" is silly and a defense mechanism. I've written stuff that has been published before. But with this blog I wanted to de-stress and take the pressure off with what I initially thought was a lighthearted topic. Imagine my surprise.

The Spring 2012 issue of Bicycle Quarterly and Taking the Lane, Volume 6 are now available, and those who order should receive theirs some time in April. I derive no financial benefit from the sales of either, but invite you to support these small, independent publications.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Rise and Ride

I both am and am not a morning person. I do like to wake up early. But mornings are a still, quiet time, and while my mind is active (I can get a full day's work done before 9am), my body is not. So I sit and work, and drink endless coffee, until my body starts to feel more energetic and I am ready to face the world. Riding a bike before that point is not something I feel compelled to do. And yet, lately I've been doing it. Group rides tend to meet in the mornings, and friends with 9-5 jobs can only ride before work. My desire to join them has lured me onto the bike at some ungodly hours.

There is a lot to be said for early morning cycling. It's quiet. There is hardly any traffic. And it's beautiful - in a magical and almost eerie way that makes you feel special to be there. The world is allowing you to see it in its softest, least aggressive state. Once I am out there pedaling, I am glad to be doing it. But getting myself out of the house in the early morning can be difficult. 

What I found helps, is to force myself to be organised and to develop a routine. I check the weather and lay out everything I will need for the ride the night before - everything, from socks to jersey and chamois cream, in one accessible pile. This way I can shower and immediately get dressed without thinking. I fill my water bottle at the same time as I fill the kettle to make coffee in the morning. I put my phone, keys, and money in my jersey pockets as soon as I put it on, so that I don't have to scramble and search for them at the last second when I can potentially forget something. Then I eat breakfast, top up the air in my tires, and go. Things that I put on right before leaving - such as gloves and sunglasses - I keep inside my helmet by the door. 

If meeting up with another person or a group in cold weather, I've learned to make sure the meeting point has the option of seeking shelter. Somebody's house, a cafe, a building with a lobby, or at least a gas station that will let you wait inside with your bike. This way, if someone is late you do not have to wait in the freezing cold - it is extremely difficult to stand still in the cold for long, particularly first thing in the morning.

Now that it's spring and the days are longer, more rides will be scheduled for the afternoons. But I am still glad to have developed a morning routine, and it will especially come in handy once it gets really hot out. What time of the day do you usually ride?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dream Wool Cycling Jersey Concept

Wool Jersey, Front and Rear Views
A number of manufacturers have come out with updated versions of the classic wool roadcycling jersey over the past few years, and I've accumulated a few. All have some nice features, but none are perfect. Yesterday I noticed one that I think might come close, and exchanged some emails with my Ibex contact Julie lamenting that there is no women's version. This ended with the people at Ibex saying they will consider it for Fall 2012, which, in turn, inspired me to be more specific about what I envisioned. This is not directed at Ibex necessarily, but at wool manufacturers in general. It is a simple concept, and shouldn't be difficult to execute - yet no jersey quite like this exists at the moment as far as I know.

Lightweight merino or merino/lycra blend; no polyester
The key to my dream wool cycling jersey is a very lightweight merino fabric. And by lightweight I mean summer weight, t-shirt weight. The wool Swobo and Woolistic use for their jerseys is too heavy. Rapha, Road Holland and Shutt Velo Rapide use "sport wool," which is a wool/polyester blend that, for me at least, works nicely over a base layer in cold temps, but not against bare skin. Icebreaker adds a touch of lycra to their paper-thin wool jerseys for stretch, and I like their fabric as a possibility. But the nicest I've worn so far has been the 18.5 micron, 195g/m2 merino used by Ibex for their Indie line of jerseys. That fabric feels pretty much spot on.

No Seams Dividing SleevesI prefer cycling jerseys with long sleeves, even in summer, because this way my arms don't get burned. Also, if the fabric is lightweight enough, I actually find it more comfortable to have my skin covered in the heat than not. The combination of the t-shirt weight wool and the long sleeve length is perfect for temperature regulation on both hot and cool days. One thing to add here, is that I beg whoever makes this jersey to not do anything crazy to the sleeves - like what Swobo did here by adding seams. I have both the older (no seams) and the newer (seams! why?) versions of their long sleeve jersey, and the seams on the newer one make the sleeves constricting. Please just leave the sleeves be; they don't need reinventing.

2-Way Zipper
One feature I would absolutely love to see in a cycling jersey is a 2-way zipper. I think this would be an especially useful feature for women, as it would enable us to unzip the jersey for extra ventilation just like men do, but without exposing the bosom. With a 2-way zipper we can unzip along the tummy and leave the chest covered up. I am surprised no one has tried this yet actually. The zipper should be covered on the inside of the jersey, so that it doesn't come into contact with the skin.

Shaping darts, for Bosom
Women sometimes complain that cycling jerseys are unflattering, and one way to remedy this would be to tailor the jersey via shaping darts - which Ibex already does in some of their athletic tops. However, I am reluctant to suggest this, because it does introduce additional seams which for some may cause chafing. Personally I am okay with or without darted tailoring, though a women-specific fit would be nice.

3 Classic Rear Pockets
In the back, all I want is the classic 3 jersey pockets, elasticized at the top. No more or no less; no bells and whistles; nothing weird. Some manufacturers have been getting clever with the pockets - adding all sorts of secret zip-up compartments for pumps and wallets, which I really feel is unnecessary, and if anything, limits the use of that potentially vast pocket space. Just the standard 3 pockets please!

Wool Cycling Jersey, Front
As far as looks, I am open - just please keep it simple. No flowers, no swirly shapes, no faux-oriental designs, and no clever slogans. Classic colours. Maybe a stipe or two somewhere, with room for embroidering a club name across the chest and back. I love this colourscheme from Ibex, and these from Rapha (sans prominent logo), and this one from Shutt Velo Rapide - and of course these vintage beauties from Bridgestone. Less is more, and a couple of contrasting stripes go a long way.

Wool Cycling Jersey, Rear
I have not described anything complicated here, and I hope manufacturers reading this will consider producing something like it. Ibex is probably in the best position to do it, because they already have the perfect fabric and a design that comes very close. But I'd love to see more options for lightweight, women-specific wool cycling jerseys across the board. Your thoughts and input are, of course, welcome. Who knows, maybe we can make something happen.

Purse or Pocket?

Tyranny of the Purse
For as long as I can remember, I have loathed those things that are known as purses: small handbags designed to house not books, laptops or groceries, but tiny personal belongings such as a wallet, phone and keys. Traditionally women have carried purses, because their clothing is not designed with pockets to accommodate these miscellaneous items. Even when pockets exist, their design is not actually useful for storing things without distorting the fit of the garment or even interfering with movement. And so historically, women have carried tiny handbags, seldom experiencing the freedom of walking around empty-handed, the peace of mind of not constantly having to look after one's belongings, and the fun of spontaneous mobility (try running down the street with a purse).

In the twentieth century, some women have taken this up as a feminist issue, refusing to carry a purse out of principle and only buying clothing with well-designed pockets. But for the most part, the purse trend persists, with fashion designers making a fortune on this accessory every season.

Freedom of the Pocket
For me it's not really a political thing, but I do get frustrated carrying a purse. Over the years I've made an art of finding clothing with proper pockets, or else adding my own pockets to garments. Even for 90°F summer heat, I own skirts and sundresses with cleverly placed pockets for my wallet, keys and phone.

Looking at a friend's vast collection of diminutive handbags one day, I asked why she preferred this method of carrying her things. She replied that this way everything is always in one place, and she need not move it from jacket to jacket as I do. That makes sense - except that she switches from one purse to another on a semi-daily basis, so she still ultimately has to move everything over. But explanations are about subjective perceptions of reality, and this was how she saw it. When I talk of purses being a burden, those who like them probably think it's mostly in my head as well.

I've been thinking about the purse vs pocket issue more since I started cycling. When riding a bike - particularly if that bike is not bolt upright - pocket design presents a special challenge, as contents can spill out more easily than when walking. Clothing that is marketed as cycling-specific, even for commuting, usually features lots of complicated pockets that try to get around this. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Personally, I find the rear pocket design of the cycling jersey to be an extremely efficient way to carry small items on the bike, and I've wondered what elegant method can be devised to translate this into streetwear and maybe even business-casual attire. Begrudgingly I've ridden my bike with a purse in the basket or strapped to the rear rack now and again, but I always wish for pockets.

I am wondering what my female readers prefer. And does it depend on whether you are on or off the bike?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sears Korean Lugged Frame Fixed Gear Project Update

Hello and Welcome,
I have made a few decisions regarding the Free-Spirit. For starters I will be using the handlebars I took-off the Thrasher. Also the grips I originally purchased for the Thrasher will be used. They are a perfect match. And here is the big one. I have decided to take the wheels and tires off the red white and blue fixed gear bike. I will be painting the rims black and re installing the red tires. I am thinking this will look great "if I don`t screw it up".
The paint on the handlebars is curing, so far about 24 hours. I should be able to install them tomorrow (3 16 12) about this time.
Above: I taped the spokes and lightly sanded the rim mostly to get traces of rubber off the rim`s side wall (breaking surface). But also to give the paint something to stick to. Then I wiped off the dust using a paper towel.
Above: I cut a X in a paper plate and am using it to protect the hub from over-spray. Probably not necessary, but it certainly won`t hurt the process.
Above: I painted one side and flipped it over to paint the other side. So far I am really liking how the black looks. Everyone is doing red rims with black tires. So I thought I would do try something different.
Above: The grips are a good match but would need to be cut. I really do not like to cut new grips. I might have to do some more digging. #%&@!
Above: I ended up taking the "Tech 9" crank off the Schwinn fixed gear bike. The crank off the Thrasher is garbage. It is warped beyond anything I want to attempt to straighten. So I`m taking the crank, pedals and wheel-set off the Schwinn. I will use some of the other take-offs on the lugged Cycle Pro frame I just cleaned up. Which by way I will be starting to work on real soon.
Above: The Schwinn was my first fixed gear build. I should have waited for a better frame to turn up. Or waited for the weather to warm up and re-painted the whole frame. I will use the handlebars on the "Cycle Pro" frame and most likely the saddle too. I`ll hang on to the frame until I decide what to do with it.
Above: I think the glossy black enamel rim looks good with the red tire. I also painted the rear rim black today. The black grips with the red stars are too long for the bars I am using. So instead of cutting new grips down to size, I ordered a different black/red set today. I think the new grips are going to look fantastic.
Above: Here I am taping each spoke for paint. I found it easier to run the tape length wise and envelope the spoke inside. Then I cut a short piece (about 1/2 inch) and wrap each of the spoke nipples at the base. Removing the tape after painting is by far the hardest part of the process.
Above: I sprayed one side of the rear rim and flipped it over and painted the other side. I used the Pepsi cans to prevent the rim from touching the cardboard. They did not work all that great. I used the paper plate to protect the hub from over spray.(that worked great) I`ll come up with something better than cans next time. Maybe a wheelbarrow tire (off the rim) laid flat would make a good resting place for the wheels to cure. Just lay the wheel on the tire with the hub centered in the tire. I bet that would work great.
Above: I spotted a few tiny scratches on top of the handle bars. So I sprayed one more coat of paint on the top side. I did that yesterday so I can install them tomorrow. You can handle the painted parts after about 6 hours. But it takes 48 hours for this paint to cure real good. Thank goodness for the freakishly warm weather. This is the first winter I never used my "Snow Blower" or "Tractor Plow" for snow removal. That's in the 28 years we have lived here.
Above: The chain line looks really good. I squared the rear cog off the crank using an artificial wood yard stick. (I just gave-away a really good square a few days ago) It is near perfect. When I did this with the crank off the Thrasher it was real close on one side of the crank at say 12:00 and about 5/16 inch off at 6:00 . I removed the bash guard and chain before squaring off the crank. And on the "Tech 9" crank I was careful to square off the flat part of the crank face. The "Tech 9" is not perfectly flat either. But it is within a couple of millimeters between 12:00 and 6:00 and should not be a problem.
Above: Here I am using the "heat gun" to warm up the stickers / adhesive for removal. Be careful when using a heat gun not to over heat the frame as you can cook the paint. Keep the heat gun moving and try after a little bit to peel off the stickers. And be careful where you set the gun down, the tip gets very hot.
Above: Stickers are much easier than decals to remove. Once warmed up they should peel right off like this. In a warm climate you could probably park the bike in the sun for a while and do the same thing. With decals I use a combination of "heat gun" thumb-nail and "Goo Gone" and rag.
Above: Here I have mounted the handlebars and slid the brake-lever on. I will not slide the lever on all the way until I have the grip. Then I will know exactly where to stop. I had a piece of debris in the lever clamp or on the bar which marred the paint when I slid the brake lever collar onto the bars. The scrapes will be under the grip, so it is not a problem. I just wish I had checked the lever clamp first.
Above: I used the black side pull caliper brake off the front of the Thrasher. I am probably going to order a micro adjust seat post. I was able to find a 25.8 diameter post, but only in black. And if I remember correctly, one of the other two bikes I built with this almost exact frame I had to purchase a black post as well. So now I wait for the red/black lock-on grips and the red/black saddle to arrive. I think the saddle is coming from the other side of the planet. So I might have to use a substitute saddle for a while.
Above: And there it is, the "Sportex 12". Pretty good for a guy who can`t remember what he had for lunch yesterday. The big difference is in this case I want the black seat post. Honestly I thought the black post looked cool on the Sportex 12 as well. Some did not agree.
Above: The General. In the words of the great Yogi Berra "It's like deja-vu, all over again" There you have it, The trilogy is complete! Three nice looking Asian lugged frames on three cheaper road bikes. (I am sure at least one of the other frames was labeled Taiwan) The other two have long since gone to their new homes.
Above: Took this pic of the south end of White lake the other morning while riding into town for coffee. It had been foggy that morning and there was still a little haze over the lake. The island on the near right is called Youth Island. I was told years ago that there was once a summer camp on the island. I used to catch Northern Pike just on the edge of the weed bed on the west side of the island. This was on the ice using tip-ups with bait fish. About 3:30pm to 4:30pm the Pike would come into the weed bed to feed on pan fish. Those were good days out on the ice. When it was to cold to lay brick (-10F wind chill or less) we would spend the day out on the ice. I did have a portable shanty with a heater so it was not all that bad. The worst part was breaking it all down when it was time to leave. Seems like it was always windy and colder than a bat's behind.
Above: Recently I mentioned the "wetlands" area. And that part of it came right up to DuckLake road. Could you imagine trying to make your way in and out of that mess? I think I`ll take a pass on that one. Well I think we are all caught up for now. I will most likely do a post about the Cycle Pro Bike before I finish the red / black fixed gear bike. Until then Please RIDE SAFE and Remember to Always RESCUE, RESTORE & RECYCLE.